How To Check iPad Battery Health

You have to keep an eye on the battery health of your iPad to ensure that it is running smoothly and lasts as long as possible. While the methods to check the battery's health are not exactly as easy and straightforward as they should be on most models, there are still ways that can help you get a clear picture of this.

Here, we are proceeding to walk you through the two of the most effective methods where you are going to check the battery health with the help of built-in analytics data and also explore it with the help of a handy Shortcut. However, before we dive into these methods, we are going to learn about the importance of checking the battery’s health.

Why is it important to check iPad’s Battery Health?

Knowing the healthiness of the device is not just about being curious and exploring everything, it is kind of crucial for maintaining the performance of your device. You may already know that the ability of a battery to hold a charge is gradually going to decrease as time passes, and this is going to lead to its shorter life and also potential issues in performance as well.  Here we will let you know how to check the battery health of an iPad.

Method 1: Checking the Battery Health through Analytics Data

If you are ready to explore the technical side of your device, this method is going to help you dig into the analytics data to find out how this is holding up.

Initiate The Process

  • For starters, you need to open up your settings app on the device.
  • From there, you can hop on to Privacy & Security.
  • When you are there, you can tap an option named Analytics & Improvements.
  • Now you have to toggle the Share iPad Analytics to the on position instead of off. With this step, your device will be able to collect and send out data about the performance which will also be including the health of the battery.
  • If your analytics sharing is not turned on, you may have to wait for one or two days for the data to populate.

Find the Data

  • After some time has passed, you should return to Settings and then head to Privacy & Security, and finally pop over to Analytics & Improvements.
  • Now here, you have to click Analytics Data where you will see a list of files with names like These files are going to be containing all the information you need.

Open the Right File

  • You have to choose the most recent file that is present in the list. You can see that the files include the time and the date so you can choose the one which has the latest timestamp on it.
  • Now, you can open the file and you will get to see a lot of technical data on it. However, you do not need to worry because you just need to find information that is related to the battery.

Extract and Interpret Data

  • You can now scroll down to the absolute bottom of the file and copy the last block of text that you find there. This is the section that has the details that you are searching for.
  • Head on over to a text editor like Notes or Google Docs and paste this text over there.

Find the required information.

  • You can use the search function to look for MaximumCapacityPercent.This number is going to show the correct capacity as a percentage of its original capacity.
  • If you want to opt for a more detailed view, you can also search for NominalChargeCapacity and MaximumFCC. The first one refers to the current capacity while the second one indicates the original capacity of the battery.
  • To get the current health percentage, you need to divide the NomincalChargeCapacity by MaximumFCC. Alternatively, you can also compare it to the rated capacity listed that is present online for your iPad model.

Method 2: Using the Shortcuts App for a Quick Battery Check

If you are someone who prefers a quicker approach, you can use the Shortcuts app which is going to offer a much more user-friendly approach to get this sorted.

1.   Download the Shortcut

You can go to the Battery Stats Shortcut page and then proceed to download the Shortcut. With the help of this tool, you can extract and view the required details without getting intertwined with all the technical hassles.

2.   Run the Shortcut

  • You should go and open up the analytics files as we described earlier.
  • You can now go ahead to click on the Share icon that is present in the top right corner over there.
  • Select the shortcut for this that is present there.

Check Your Results

  • Now this shortcut will be able to start processing all the information and then will display a summary of the battery health in the form of a pop-up notification.
  • The summary provided by this is pretty simple and very easy to understand. However, you should know that this is not going to contain all the information like that of MaximumCapacityPercent.

Extra Tips for Maintaining the iPad’s Battery

Here are some extra tips that may prove to be useful. These tips will help you maintain this, so make sure that you follow them.

●     Avoid Extreme Temperatures:

You may be shocked to know this but extreme temperatures tend to harm your battery. So, you should aim to use the device in temperatures that range between (0°C to 35°C).

●     Keep Software Updated:

Having the latest version is pretty important. So, make sure that you have the latest version of iPadOS as the updates often include the improvements that help in enhancing the performance of the battery.

●     Optimize Charging Habits:

You should aim to keep your charging between 20% to 80%. Avoid letting it drop to 0% or even charging it to 100% frequently.

●     Use Apple-Certified Chargers:

You should always use cables and chargers that are certified by Apple. This will help in ensuring that you have a safe and efficient charging experience.